
Monday, June 14, 2010

Feeding the Freezer

I was listening to a sermon by Mark Driscoll the other day and at the end he mentioned asking your spouse a few hard questions in order to better serve them.  I took him up on the challenge.  The answers surprised me actually, as they were not the answers I thought I would hear.  Where I thought I had been failing miserably at serving my husband, he thought I was doing a great job, and where I thought I was doing an exceptional job he thought I could improve a few things.  Because I opened myself up to be corrected by my husband, I now have a better understanding of how to better serve him in practical ways that show him how much I love him.
What, you ask, does this have to do with feeding the freezer??  Well, I'll tell you!  One of the things that my husband said he would really appreciate was if I would give him breakfast before he left the house (early) in the morning for work.  I had been just assuming that he'd grab a bowl of cereal, or stop and get something on the way, or whatever.  He doesn't really like cereal (who knew?), and is usually in a rush to get to the job site and so he won't stop on the way.  So, most mornings my man was without breakfast at all!!    My workable solution to this is to feed my freezer.  I am no stranger to doing this.  I really like to have quick, nutritious, and delicious meals on hand just in case I don't feel like cooking one night through the week, or for Sundays when I don't really like to do very much home management at all. (This is my work to rest from!)  For whatever reason, I had never considered make-ahead breakfasts.  So, I've started putting breakfast in the freezer as well.  Among other items, I have been making breakfast burritos.  They freeze amazingly well, are super quick to prepare straight out of the freezer, taste great, and are a wholesome balanced HOT breakfast option for my husband as well as the rest of the family. 

Freezer Breakfast Burritos
16oz. organic sausage
16     whole wheat tortillas
12     organic brown eggs
1C     cheese (more or less as you wish) (I used fresh Parmesan)
1C     veggies of choice (I used asparagus and onion)
1/3C  milk
Salt & Pepper to taste
Salsa to taste

-Brown sausage and drain.
-Combine eggs, seasonings, cheese, milk, cooked sausage, and veggies.  Cook just like you would to make regular scrambled eggs. * Don't overcook the eggs *
-Then lay out your tortillas.  Spread with a little salsa, then the egg mixture (the amount will vary depending on the size of your tortilla round)
-Now, fold up burrito style, place in the freezer on a cookie sheet and freeze separately.  Once the burritos are at least mostly frozen, put  them in either a Ziploc bag or if you have a food saver you can use that to store them in the freezer. 
-To heat, place them in the microwave on high for 1 minute to 1 minute and 30 seconds per burrito. 

Some may wonder what questions I asked...  1.) On a scale from 1-10, 1 being awful and 10 being exceptional, how well do I serve you in the home? 2.) What specifically, can I do to better serve you in this area?

There are two more questions, but you'll have to listen to find out what they are!


  1. Speaking of discovering things that your mate doesn't like to eat: I made fried chicken with rice and gravy the other night and was surprised when James didn't put any gravy on his rice. I commented, to which he replied: I don't think I LIKE gravy on my rice. !!!

    He also recently told me that he doesn't care for basil. Oh no! :o
